Where's My Bus? by Team Bus


Where's My Bus? is an Android app that helps riders of King County Metro buses find information about why their buses may be stalled in unusual circumstances. Riders can use our app to communicate with each other about issues with bus routes and any circumstances in a particular neighborhood of Seattle that might affect buses by

King County Metro can also use Where’s My Bus? to submit alerts for riders. With this information from Where’s My Bus?, riders can then determine if they should delay their plans or find an alternate means of transportation.

For more information about our app and its features as well as helpful instructions to install, run, and use our app, or to report any bugs you find, please look over our user documentation.

If you wish to find out more about the code behind our app, check out the developer documentation.

You may find the current release of our app here.

So quit fussin' and get busin'!